2023 Staff Appreciation Virtual Scavenger Hunt


Co-Sponsored by UCI Staff Assembly and the UCI Engagement Team

Back, by popular demand, we’re having another virtual scavenger hunt! Participation is optional, but it would be great to see a lot of staff join in the competition.

Begins: Monday, October 9 at 12:00 p.m.
Ends: Sunday, October 15 at 5:00 p.m.

The Rules

  • All UCI staff members from main campus and all UCI Health Affairs locations are eligible to participate.
  • All team members must be STAFF. Sorry, faculty members and academic personnel are not eligible.
  • Teams may be formed from staff in any UCI school, department, location or office, with a minimum of two staff members per team and a maximum of 10 staff members per team.
  • Multiple teams from the same location are permitted, but individual staff members may only compete on one team for the contest.
  • Submit photos, team member names and UCI emails using this form.
  • By registering your team, all team members are granting permission to use their image/photos on the Staff Appreciation Week webpages, HR webpages, UCI webpages, and the Staff Assembly website.
  • On Monday, October 9 at 12:00 p.m., get the list of “items to be scavenged”. The list of items will be provided below.
  • Between October 9, 12:00 p.m. and October 15, 5:00 p.m., take pictures of “scavenged items” with at least one team member in each photo and upload them here.  IMPORTANT: Include your team name, name of the team member shown in the photo, and the item you have scavenged in your photo caption. For example: Super Sleuths, Peter T. Anteater, UCI branded reusable water bottle.
  • All entries must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on October 15.

Winning Teams

  • On October 18, there will be two teams (one from campus teams and one from the UCI Health Affairs teams) chosen at random as the winners of the Scavenger Hunt from all teams who find 10 of the items on the list.
  • In addition, there will be an overall winning team, chosen at random from all teams who find all 10 of the items PLUS the three extra credit items, which require the team to solve clues first.
  • The decisions of the judges are final.
  • Winning teams will notified by email and will be announced here by 5:00 p.m. on October 18.

Scavenger Hunt List

  1. Sign of the Anteater! Group photo with everybody making the Zot sign. “Photoshop” team members if necessary.
  2. Find something that begins with the letter “E”.
  3. Find something that has wheels on it.
  4. Take a selfie with someone you are thankful for.
  5. Find something used for measuring.
  6. Find something that can be recycled.
  7. Take a selfie listening to your favorite song.
  8. Where you take a break.
  9. Someone wearing earbuds/earphones/ear protection.
  10. View from a window.

Extra Credit
For “extra credit”, answer the clues below and submit your photos with the items. These items may be used to substitute for others if you cannot find all 10 items listed above.

  1. I can be a code or a card, or even made of metal and put on a ring. Without me, you’re not getting in, that’s a sure thing!
  2. I go up and down, but I never move.
  3. Make a wish, but don’t take a drink.

Download full list


UCI Health Affairs
Winning Team


Prowess PACU
Grace Kim, Ramiro Gonzalez, Agnes Mercado, Jenny Roa, Candice Chiang, Nathalie Cuano, Flora Lai, Mary Louise Suarez, Janet Fame-Reynado, Kevin Sanchez

UCI Campus
Winning Team


Team Alliance
Dahlia Weinstein, Julie Anne Lance, Liz Castaneda, Eduardo Contreras, Eric Chansy, Kiu Klauke, Philippe Macandili

Winning Team


Team UCiLoveCHC
Mary Gillis, Christina Treble, Darren Warner, Jordy Cardenas, Julia Costanzo, Amalia Navarro

For questions or additional information, contact the Staff Appreciation Chair, Joani Harrington, e: jmharrin@uci.edu